Tablet [Android Tablet] Adam

Melhor tablet de que ano? 2010 já foi, 2011 vai sair tanta coisa nova...ipad2, tablets com windows7...
Windows 7 + Hardware Tablet = Fail <=> Archos (win 7 ver.) ou Hp Slate

Parece bom, principalmente para o preço, mas aquela curva... Acho que vai causar problemas para guardar e afins...
Sim, uma curva de 0.6 cm deve de o tornar totalmente intransportável e garante que não cabe em bolsa nenhuma!

Estive a dar uma vista de olhos no blog deles e até que é jeitoso...
A capacidade de usar prefericos num tablet é que é fail. Se é para usar prefericos num tablet compra-se um notebook.
Quer dizer, se o tablet tem a opção de poder ligar é fail, mas se não tiver já não é...
Fail, era se o tablet viesse já com um rato ligado, sem possibilidade de desligar.

Esta tablet dá-nos algumas possibilidades que as outras não dão, e é fail. :facepalm:

--- Edit ---

Novo update no blog deles. Existem mais vídeos, mas achei este mais importante.

Break from Eden UI – The Hardware

Hello All,
This video is a break from Eden UI and shows some of the Hardware features along with the 180 degree port placement. Key hardware features are as below:

  • HDMI Out – Adam on the Vimeo site and playing a video (Flash). Sound is also sent along with video signals (disabled in the posted video). You can also see, Adam powering USB speakers (it can charge all your phones as well). We also switched OFF the screen while the video was playing (I remember this was a question in the comments some time ago).
  • False Digitizer – We show Adam being used as a false digitizer (sending touch signals via wi-fi) for Blender on Windows. It is as accurate as you can get on your touch-pad, just that it’s a 10 inch one! I would suggest you use a stylus for these kind of works. It also acts like a keyboard (used few short cuts here like r (for rotate), s (for scale), etc. for Blender)
  • Adam has stereo speakers ( 1 watt into 2) and they are located on either sides of the device unlike others (in fact all tablets) where speakers are clubbed together (this makes stereo speakers work as mono, and you can’t feel the 3D nature of sound).
  • You can easily connect your wireless mouse and keyboards as you have seen in earlier videos, and is not repeated here. (Someone questioned, can they connect their USB modems and run internet! The answer is yes, if the drivers are available for Android, so you need to check with your service provider)
  • You can take a look at the light silver section (decorative bars) and it’s design, which are easily replaceable and helps in color customizations.
  • Adam looks more male and industrial than other softer tablets out there.
Here is the video (with non-production quality disclaimer).

Última edição:
Podes me saciar a curiosidade, porque compraste este tablet, se tens o ipad? e porque compraste o kindle, o ipad n le bem os pdf's ? ou o kindle foi o 1º a ser comprado?

Comprei esta tablet porque sou um maluco :)

O kindle, comprei-o como prenda de Natal para a minha mulher. Eu não sou o tipo de pessoa que gosta de ler :(

Leio revistas ou livros de especialidades. O kindle, é sem sombra de dúvida, melhor leitor que o iPad. E a diferença não está só no ecrã.

Li algures alguém que dizia ter os 2 (iPad e kindle) e que o maior problema em ler num iPad, é que com tanta tecnologia na mão, não se concentrava no que estava a ler. Era inevitável parar para ler e entreter-se com outras coisas. Dizia ele que o acto de ler, era um retiro espiritual. E no kindle conseguia isso. De qualquer forma, com o kindle já podemos navegar na net. Claro k de forma limitada. É apenas um desenrasque. Mas pelo preço (net 3G gratuita) está mais que bom.

Voltando a esta tablet nova, seduz-me a novidade. Inicialmente o ecrã que não consegui comprar. Mas isso já ultrapassei. Estou a gostar dos vídeos que vão aparecendo. Fico com pena não ser ou não existir uma versão 7". Como já tenho o iPad e estou mais que satisfeito com ele, este de 7", era perfeito.

Não estou a gostar da Archos, muito menos da assistência técnica.

Respondendo à questão dos pdf's no iPad, muito bom. Consigo ler muito bem sem qualquer problema. Ainda testei pouco o kindle, mas em pdf's, acho que o iPad deve estar anos luz a frente.
Obrigado pela resposta :)
Pois quando eu comprar um tablet, uma das funções que irei dar é ler pdf's, pois com o tablet dá-nos a possibilidade de estar numa posição mais relaxada que estar sentado a uma secretaria, logo tera que ser um que tenha um bom lcd.
O unico que vi ao vivo foi o Folio e nao gostei e pelo que tenho lido o archos não é uma boa solução para esse fim e este adam pode ser mas é caro.
The Momentum

Hello All,
This week is exciting for Notion Ink as it is a week before CES 2010. We released information on Adam on 18th December 2010 and since then we knew people will be expecting a lot. Things have changed a lot, but like in love, feelings haven’t. Your comments are more than inspiration for all of our developers and creates a solid feedback system (and help them revise the next update).
In the last one year one important thing which we have learnt is that you should never lose your momentum. In troubling times, the road becomes steeper and if you increase your efforts you can keep up the same speed as it was on flat road. And the best thing is that with the new increased momentum, when the road in indeed flat, your speed increases dramatically.
There is something I can share more on the hardware front. 3G devices will work on 2G networks as well (haven’t tested in all the countries and with all the carriers, but we have tested in India, China and US with some carriers, theoretically the 3G module supports 2G networks, i.e. EDGE.) SMS will also works and if there is any developer reading this, you can think of brilliant ideas of how with a simple sms you can make Adam do things remotely.
Today we show you a video (with sound
shot by one of our EAP Partners, Mireo, and they showcase a Mapping application. We were really excited to see it working on Adam and took permission from them for posting it here. See it for yourself:

Demonstração de GPS

(Seems something killed the sound after 1 min, will try to update full one later (there is voice notification) )
There were a lot of people in the EAP 2 selection list. Notion Ink will soon start communicating with good news with EAP 2 members.
With Warm Regards
Rohan Shravan

Adicionei mais vídeos ao primeiro post.
Última edição:
Aqui fica o vídeo que o pessoal mais esperava, a mostrar as funcionalidades a 720p directo da tablet.

Cada vez mais gosto deste tablet, e se houver retailers na Europa, vou comprar. Mesmo que não exista, logo vejo se mando vir da Índia.

Introducing Eden Part - VII The Leaves

Hello All,
Let’s take a look at the video first and then read, we all have waited impatiently today!

This video is the direct HDMI out from Adam, captured on our computers and then posted here. Next time I will go more into the settings and see why the colors too saturated, and few frames skipped while minimizing the Leaves! I will again comment here that these are not production quality videos and I believe we are doing very good for 1 day per video. I really want to keep this blog little informal.
We have placed all our efforts into our production video which we intend to release in CES and it IS really beautiful!
There are a few announcements and releases coming in CES like information on our partners, the plan and Pre-Order 2 status.
Coming back to this blog I have tried to answer questions I was able to compile in the last few posts and answer them. Will keep an eye on the comments on this one as well, so keep them coming!

With Warm Regards

Rohan Shravan

Video (720p)
------------------------ Edit ------------------------

Aqui fica um novo post com vídeo feito mesmo abocado.

Introducing Eden – VIII (Adam says Happy New Year! :)

Hello All,
This is second in the series of what we posted yesterday. Most of the video (I think this is the best of what we have posted so far) is self-explanatory and answers few of your questions like 3rd party application installation, portrait mode, launching applications, pinch-to-zoom on the browser, auto re-alignment in the browser when you zoom, etc. Let’s take a look:

I will try to post one last video before I leave for CES, but if I don’t, this would be the last one (this might be the last post as well before CES, as I fly out on 3rd). We have one more coming as the official release.
Wishing everyone a Very Happy New Year 2011. Let’s make it special!

With Warm Regards

Rohan Shravan

Vídeo (720p)
------------------------ Edit N.º 2 ------------------------

Mais outro vídeo, a mostrar as capacidades do Adam. Desta vez é em modo vertical e a testar o falsh. Deve ser o último vídeo até eles irem para a CES, mas vamos esperar por mais.

More in Portrait

Posting one more video showing the browser now in portrait mode. Most of the apps where you will read a lot, portrait mode is enabled. This video is also our small thanks to our Un-Official Forum, Notion Addicts. Avo and others are doing a very good job in keeping everyone informed and community active! Let’s take a look at the video:

With Warm Regards

Rohan Shravan

Vídeo (720p)
Última edição:
Cá está!

A Engadget já esteve com ele: hands on preview.

Parece que convence os mais cépticos:

«we have to say despite the doubts we've had, we're incredibly impressed»

«it's an incredibly different take on Android for tablets, which is exactly what we've needed in the past year»

«the Adam is one of the most impressive tablets we've seen»

O ecrã PixelQi parece que cumpre o que foi prometido, vejam o vídeo da engadget.

EDIT: Mais um hands-on e vídeo, agora pela malta do Slashgear, igualmente entusiasmados.
Última edição:
Quando vi as caracteristicas desse motorola xoom também me impressionei, grande LCD o dele.
Pena ser motorola, essa marca já não obrigado, aprendi com o milestone, além de que o ecrã pixel-Qi do Adam tem certas vantagens inexistentes noutros tablets.
There and back again!

Hello All,
Adam has already reached some of its owners. While our friends in US and Europe might have to wait bit more since we are awaiting CE and FCC approvals (passed all the tests), I thought I should give more details on Adam. Posted below are some of the images taken from Adam. Camera quality is really very good, and if you are into photography, Adam might come in handy. The swivel nature would allow you to scan documents as well and auto-focus function will help in that a lot! But beware, Adam is a big device when compared to a camera, and you’ll have to hold Adam with more stability. Those (like me) who are a fan of macro mode, would simply love Adam. One thing which you can notice is, Adam does not have flash. IMHO, flash is only useful in 5% of the cases. You use flash when light is low, and end up with glares and washed out regions. So make sure you have good lighting around when you use any camera (I hope those will photography experience will comment on this and we can learn more on this new topic).

Não coloquei as imagens, porque são demasiado grandes

Imagem 1

Imagem 2

FCC and CE. Though for a company doing business IN the respective countries can’t sell product without these certifications, global business does not have any such restrictions, and over all these contradiction makes things confusing. For example, as a customer you can buy a product without these certifications online. We will opt for the safer side and wait for the final confirmation and then ship it to you (little more patience please
At CES we all learnt about Honeycomb. At Notion Ink we were aware of this project and could guess what modules were being improved, and made Eden so things are compatible. As such there are no official (as per our record and few online sources) there are no hardware restrictions, and when Honeycomb is available, we will send updates as soon as possible. For Motorola to have access to Honeycomb, NVidia first MUST have access to make it stable on Tegra and resolve any issue. They give to us OEMs what is called, a BSP (Board Support package) and then only OEMs can work on it. As of now Honeycomb is a work in progress, and would take little more time than we think for its public availability (for an instance, Android took almost 18 months to become stable on various Tablet platforms).
Eden requires lot more than traditional Android elements. For example, even simple things like 3 leaves requiring Keyboard focus, does not exist in Android. These are ‘view’ features and this is exactly what is getting a lot of improvement on Honeycomb (along with a lot more things). We are expecting a lot of graphic improvements. For instance, on the Panel system you can see that the animation though is fast is not smooth. Reason is, that the parameters chosen were for a small screen, where you 5% movement is only 0.125 inch (say), but on a tablet it’s around 0.5inch.
Times ahead are far more interesting because Notion Ink is just not software, it stands for design, for new hardware and for innovation. And if Google is doing innovation on Software front, what would Notion Ink be doing on other fronts??

(I just arrived, off to some rest now!)

With Warm Regards

Rohan Shravan

Aparentemente, as tablets estão um bocado atrasadas, devido á aprovação da FCC e CE, mas por o que li, é só por 1 semana. Existem pessoas que já o têm, mas acho que é sem os tais autocolantes (não faz diferença na performance da tablet).

Já alguém sabe se vão haver retailers do Adam na Europa (Amazon, etc)?

Eu também estive a ver o Motorola Xoom, mas como já disseram aqui, essa marca não me inspira muita confiança. A tablet parece muito boa, mas só deve sair nos EUA para Abril e deve mais cara que o Adam.
Só mesmo por duvida, não sou na pratica um user de android. Já o remexi um pouco, simples, costumizavel, 1001(00) apps etc... mas quando sai nova versão os dispositivos levam update de versão ou ficam infinitamente na versão x.y build zzzz apenas levando com os bugfixes como update ou os updates também saltam versões?
Ou seja, lá para Abril/Março é possível este dispositivo ter no updater lá o android 3.0 como update?

Dependendo dos requisitos a nível de hardware, sim pode. Por o que já li, acho que o Adam tem os requisitos suficientes para isso. O Honeycomb, só deve sair para as tablets "em geral", depois do Motorola Xoom já estar nas lojas, porque eles vão ser os primeiros a ter essa versão.
Depois disso, é esperar até que eles configurem o Honeycomb para o Adam, e possivelmente adaptarem o Leafs (painéis) para essa versão.
Mas no blog, eles disseram que em países em que não é preciso isso, já tinham despachado alguns. Pode ser que possas comprar directamente ao Rohan. :D