Tablet ECS S10 10" e 7"- Oaktrail


ECS were quite confident that they will be the first ODM to get an Oaktrail Tablet into production when they receive the final version of the production Oaktrail platform at the beginning of April. Of course this doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to go out and buy one then but they already have customers lined up in the US and in Russia. It could be in customers hands by the end of April.

We took a close look at the S10 production sample and saw some reasonable Windows performance scores and, after a 5 minute performance test, in-use battery life of about 5hrs. ECS tell us there’s more to come in the final version and are quoting 8hrs battery life.

As far as UI performance goes It wasn’t too fluid but again, final hardware and drivers are said to fix that. We’ll see!
At 700gm (the device we had was said to be 660gm) its very light so if it can reach 6hrs of usable battery life it’s a big step forward for ultra mobile PCs.




The video below shows one of two designs for a 7” Oaktrail Tablet from ECS. Remember ECS design and manufacture devices for others so you might, if others are interested, see this reach the market under another brand. We hear that production is possible the May timeframe.
ECS are aiming for a sub 400gm weight and 6hrs of battery life and the following specifications…
More ECS Tablet images including the 10” and 7” designs in this gallery.

mais uns para o monte, mas sem apps de tablet e um market estes modelos com windows vão ter dificuldades no mass market...
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