PC Knight Rider: The Game


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"Knight Rider: a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist." With those words, TV viewers were taken in to a weekly crime fighting show featuring Michael Knight and his talking and highly empowered Trans-Am KITT. The 1980's show is still a huge favorite and now developer Davilex is finishing up work on a new PS2 and PC driving action game based on the show. HomeLAN got a chance to chat with the game's lead designer Teun de Haas to find out more about their plans for Knight Rider.

HomeLAN - How did the idea for creating a new Knight Rider game come about?

Teun de Haas - Davilex has always developed and published games for the mass-market, and we've done several racing games. When we started thinking of creating a driving game that would have a big appeal to a wide audience, Knight Rider was one of the first things that popped to mind. When we thought about it, it was clear we could make a really fun and interesting game with this property. Furthermore Knight Rider appeals to all ages, it was a huge hit when it was first shown, reruns are still being aired all around the world, and on the commercial side the people who saw the original Knight Rider now own the majority of the consoles and have little kids themselves.

HomeLAN - How hard was it to obtain the rights to make the game based on the TV show?

Teun de Haas - We checked with Universal if the license was available. Then we went to work and we had a meeting with Universal in which we showed what we would like to do with the Knight Rider license, if we got it. They liked what we wanted to do with the license, since it was really true to the original series. We have kept in contact with Universal throughout the whole project.

HomeLAN - What can you tell us about the plot of the Knight Rider game?

Teun de Haas - Our intentions were that the player would be playing as KITT (instead of Michael) and play the starring role in a Knight Rider episode. In this particular episode our heroes are traveling when they get a request to help catch some bank robbers who just robbed a bank. From this point on they get involved in what turns out to be a big scheme by Garth Knight to mass-produce the top-secret Molecular Bonded Shell (MBS) (the invention that created KITT's virtually indestructible outer structure), and Garth's intentions to sell this technology to the highest bidders. Our heroes have to foil this plan.

HomeLAN - What sort of missions will be seen in the game?

Teun de Haas - Knight Rider - The Game has a wide range of missions; for instance, there are chase missions in which the player has to follow or disable fleeing vehicles, where the player has to drive at high speeds while dealing with all sorts of objects and events. 'Explore'-missions in which the player has to use KITT's special abilities to get inside and around in compounds looking for clues, this provides quite unique gameplay with a car; jumping from roof to roof, squeezing through small gaps, and scanning and microjamming objects etc. We also have duels in which KITT has to battle it out head-to-head with enemies like Goliath and KARR.

HomeLAN - What sort of capabilities will K.I.T.T. have in the game?

Teun de Haas - KITT has a lot of the features that can be seen in the original series:

- Ski-mode; the ability to drive on two wheels (to drive over long beams, or squeeze through small gaps)

- Turbo-boost; the ability to jump (over walls and over great distances)

- Super Pursuit Mode; the ability to reach incredible speeds (used to get somewhere, just in time J )

- Scanners; KITT has a wide range of scanners used for a lot of purposes, like scan buildings, microjam computers, remotely download data etc.

HomeLAN - What characters from the TV show will appear in the new Knight Rider game?

Teun de Haas - The game will feature Michael Knight (hero extraordinaire), Bonnie Barstow (faithful technician), Devon Miles (head of the FLAG organization), Garth Knight (Michael's evil twin and son of FLAG original founder Wilton Knight), and of course KITT, KARR (KITT's evil twin prototype) and Goliath (First vehicle equipped by Garth with the stolen MBS). We have created 3D models of all these characters.

HomeLAN - What enemies will the game have for the player to deal with?

Teun de Haas - Garth has founded G-Industries, a cover up organization for his true intentions, he has henchman which KITT and Michael will have to deal with, and he also rebuild Goliath (the huge truck fitted with MBS, and KARR; KITT's prototype, similar is all but one difference in programming to KITT.

HomeLAN - What other unique gameplay elements will the Knight Rider game have?

Teun de Haas - As said before the player will have to do several things you wouldn't normally expect to be doing with in a driving game; like balancing on a long beam on two wheel trying to get to the other side, jumping from roof to roof to get to that circuit board you have to scan in order to gain access to that computer room etc. And playing an action adventure game as a car instead of a person is different.

HomeLAN - How are you developing the driving physics and graphics engine for the game?

Teun de Haas - Our graphics-engine is based on NDL's Net Immerse (DAOC, Munch's Oddysee) with a number of enhancements on the PlayStation2. We use 3DS Max and an in-house level editor to create graphics and levels for Knight Rider. Our physics-engine is based on Havok's Ipion Physics Engine that we have been using successfully in the past few games. To model the car's physics properties we use a proprietary editor, which enables us to accurately specify attributes and behavior of the car. Kitt's special features (Turboboost, SPM, Skimode) are specifically made for the Knight Rider game.

HomeLAN - What will the differences be between the various console and PC versions of the game, if any?

Teun de Haas - Well the differences in hardware will obviously limit us on some platforms, while enabling us to do different stuff on others; most changes will be on the graphical side. Gameplay should be quite the same on all platforms.

HomeLAN - Will the Knight Rider game feature multiplayer modes?

Teun de Haas - Although we have clear ideas about it, it will not be implemented this time.

HomeLAN - At the moment what is the status of the game's development and when will it be released?

Teun de Haas - We're in the final stages of the PS2 version, after which the PC version will be finished. It should be in stores in Europe in November.

HomeLAN - Finally, is there anything else you wish to say about your work on the Knight Rider game?

Teun de Haas - woow woow, woow woow, that was quite a ride Michael.............. "
fonte: homelan

Koch Media today announced that the PC and the PS2 versions of Knight Rider: The Game have gone gold. The action-driving game based on the classic TV series and developed by Davilex Software is said to be shipping to stores on Nov. 8. To celebrate this event, they launched the game's official website that offers new intro movie from the game.

Venha ele!!!

As imagens do filme estão bem bonitas, espero que a jogabilidade seja tão boa como as imagens. Que bom ver de novo o KITT :001: