Multiplataforma Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (Warhorse Studios)

Podiam era aproveitar o lançamento do novo e fazer um update do 1 para as consolas actuais. Comprei os dlcs este ano mas estava a aguardar e ver se saiam notícias disso..mas deve ser improvável.
Limpei-lhe o sebo. Já tinha algumas coisas do mosteiro pois bem antes tinha andado a explora-lo á socapa, gamei umas loiças para as vender :D, isto quando precisava mais de groshen. Mal eu sabia que ia lá parar numa missão eheh

Provavelmente já podia ter acabado o jogo mas gosto de jogar na descontra, explorar o mapa, os mapas do tesouro. Agora também estou a reconstruir no "a place to call home", o que também é devertido. Tenciono acaba-lo brevemente.

Também tenho a Royal Edition e ainda não comecei nenhum dos dlcs (isto se não contarmos com o Torneio e com aqueles mapas do tesouro). Até porque não sei qual será a melhor altura para joga-los...
Eu sinceramente acredito que devo ter aqui jogo até ao Natal :D

Podiam era aproveitar o lançamento do novo e fazer um update do 1 para as consolas actuais. Comprei os dlcs este ano mas estava a aguardar e ver se saiam notícias disso..mas deve ser improvável.

Não acho. O jogo sai no final do ano e é bem capaz de ser possivel haver esse update.
Giro, era quem já o tivesse para a PS4 poder jogar na PS5.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will run on consoles in 4K and 30 FPS

More than a month has passed since the announcement of the historical RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. At the elaborate presentation, we learned something about the setting, characters, story, gameplay and other aspects. Probably the main point, anyway, was the fact that the second part is much bigger than the rather extensive first part. And producer Martin Klíma revealed a little about the size at a lecture on Friday as part of the ongoing Game Access event in Brno.

He mentioned, for example, the amount of text, which grew from 800,000 words in number one to 1.7 million. The voice over recordings add up to 240 hours, instead of 108 for the first part. Here, of course, it must be said that a large part of it will not be heard by the player in one pass. There are, for example, duplicate NPC announcements that were spoken by more than one person.

And Klíma did not forget to mention the number of bugs. KCD1 was supposed to have less than 49,000, but almost 280,000 were counted during the development of the second game, and the game's producer claims that it will probably "succeed" in surpassing the 300,000 mark. On the other hand, approximately 204,000 of them should have been fixed, and the developers certainly still have at least a few months to fine-tune.

Perhaps the most interesting were the statements regarding the technical side. Klíma, like many other developers, mentioned the limitation of the Xbox Series S and its 10GB of memory. So Warhorse's goal was to make the game 25% bigger, since XSS has 25% more memory than PS4/XONE.

During the Q&A, I asked Martin Klíma about the frame rate and resolution KCD2 is aiming for. To my surprise, I actually got a response.

Players on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X can expect 4K resolution (whether it's native, we'll have to wait, but I'd assume some upscale) and 30 FPS . The Xbox Series S will also offer 30 frames per second, but in 1440p resolution .

The positive news is that, according to Klíma, the game is now running stably above 30 FPS, and it looks like the optimization is doing very well. In any case, only one mode will be available, so unless the developers decide to unlock the frame rate, we will still have to put up with a limit of 30 frames per second on consoles. However, given the ambition and size of the project, this was to be expected, and 60 FPS was probably never on the table.